Do you have a hankering for some cookies or cake? Is your oven busted, so there is no way you can bake anytime soon? We have good news for you! You don’t need an oven to bake some delicious goodies for your family, or just for yourself! We are going to share a trick or two that will have you baking at home without an oven.

No Oven? Here’s What You Need to Bake at Home Without One!


Use a Cast Iron Skillet on Top of a Gas Stove

If you happen to have a cast iron skillet, you can easily bake on top of a gas stove. You can easily bake bread on top of your gas stove. All you need is a cast iron skillet with a lid. You start the process by making the dough and then letting it rise in the skillet. Once the dough has risen, you can start baking until you have a fresh loaf of bread to tear apart into pieces.

You can also make cookies on the stove top in a cast iron skillet. While you can make individual cookies, cookie bars are often the better choice.

cast iron skillets

Make a Solar Oven

You can easily create a solar oven in your own backyard, or you can purchase one too. The reflective materials will have you cooking and baking in no time at all. This is the best method for preparing casseroles and chicken when your oven is no longer working.


Use Your Microwave

You can’t really make ooey-gooey chocolate chip cookies in your microwave, but you can make certain cookies this way. Some ingredients in cookie recipes will separate when baking in the microwave, so we recommend changing up your recipes accordingly.


Use Your Crockpot

A crockpot can make a mean roast beef, but it can also bake cake or cookies for you. In fact, you can even make a cheesecake in your crockpot. It can take at least four hours to cook these items on low, but the wait time will be well worth every delicious bite.


Turn on the Instant Pot

An instant pot is similar to a crockpot, so you can easily bake things in it. Some items cook a lot faster in the instant pot, since it is pressurized. However, most baked goods will not need the pressurized setting, because they don’t have liquids in the recipes. This small kitchen appliance can be helpful for baking and roasting and cooking when your oven is no longer working. You may need a couple specialized accessories to get your instant pot working as your new oven, but they are easily available to purchase.

You may think it is the end of the world when your oven stops working. However, there are plenty of options available, mostly right in your own home, if you are craving some baked goods. So, don’t rush out to purchase a new oven. Instead, relearn how to bake and cook using the oven-like appliances you already have.

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